Saturday, January 26, 2008

Yesterday was the best day in Barcelona to date.  After going out the previous night we treated ourselves ad slept in until the afternoon.  After waking up and getting ready we started to walk to the cable car station that took you up to the top of the mountains where the Olympic area was.  After getting in the cable car we got to the top o the mountain where there was an old castle and an awesome look out point.  We walked around the castle and saw the entire city from probable the best view.  The Mediterranean didn’t disappoint us either.  After a couple house we started to walk down the mountain.  We took a back trail through the woods and eventually ended up at Olympic stadium where the 92 Olympics were held.  The stadium was huge and from there you could see the museum.  I’m not really sure what the museum contains but it was incredible to see all the detailing and precision craft of the building.  Then a quick walk down the monumental stairs led us to our real destination…THE BARCELONA PAVILLION!!!!  After learning about it and seeing it in pictures it was surreal.  I bought a few souvenirs and we proceeded back to the apartment.   We went out later, but in the months to come it will probably be hard to top that day.  

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